Cow Kitty loves staring out the window. He lurves it. So sometimes he attracts attention 'cause he's just so darn-tootin' cute.

Big mistake. Big. Huge.
She proceeds to call over her brother and some other little boy who I presume is their friend. They stand in my doorway and pet the kitty. Okaaaay, fine.
THEN they spot the Game Cube. After that it's all "Can we come in?" "Can we play video games?" "Can I feed the cat?" "Can I see the cat's babies?" (This being a male cat and all.) "You know that cat's babies are called kittens?" "Where are your children?" "How come you have a Game Cube and no children?" You should have seen their eyebrows fall right off the top of their heads when I said my husband and I played it. "Can we play the Game Cube?" "Pleeeeeease?" "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!?!"
I cannot deal with these children so I sent them off to ask their mothers if they could come inside, thinking that any smart parent would immediately say: HELL NO! And that would be the end of that.
But I suck and the world, particularity Winnipeg, is out to get me so of course one kid comes back and says his mother said he's allowed to come in. Huh? Is she out of her tree? Maybe he's lying, I have no idea.
So the kid marches right into my apartment and politely takes his shoes off. At least his crazy-ass parents have taught him some manners. And then makes himself comfortable in front of the Game Cube.
And just at that moment, who happens to walk by but none other than citrusboy. Ah dear god, my saviour. I say: Honey, this boy wants to play video games. Why don't you play with him? And like the good husband he is, as he can no longer extricate himself from this situation amicably, he parks his ass on the carpet and plays Game Cube with some random kid from the neighbourhood. For several hours.
I run away to the computer and pretend I'm really really busy, grown-up fashion. I grow weary and tired and want to take a nap. But the kid plays on. How the hell do we get rid of this kid?
Then he goes to the bathroom. And takes a pee with the door ajar. Oh dear god. But he did wash his hands after.
Finally citrusboy says the kid has to pack it up because we're going out. As a consolation prize, he lends the kid some PS1 games. Turns out he has a PS2 at home. And here I thought he was video game deprived.
As he's leaving he's all: I'm gonna come back tomorrow and we can play some more. Okay? Okay?
Great, I can never open my blinds again. I hope I can learn to live in a world of darkness. And oh yeah, I have to kill that cat of mine.
That's the very first and last time I try to be nice.
As he's leaving he's all: I'm gonna come back tomorrow and we can play some more. Okay? Okay?
Great, I can never open my blinds again. I hope I can learn to live in a world of darkness. And oh yeah, I have to kill that cat of mine.
That's the very first and last time I try to be nice.
Thanks for the warning - I'll be sure to hide our gamecube if any of the neighbourhood kids are in our house. Or lie and say it's broken.
LOL! This story is so... Canadian!
I am totally being stalked too! I have complete and utter sympathy for you, we should start a support group.
I am being stalked by a little girl who is a compulsive liar; I call her Stalker Girl (very original). My back gate now has to have a lock on it. If not she just walks right on into my yard and lets her dogs run into my house. Her latest attempts at wooing me include doing handstands right outside my fence and having her little friend Adam, or as I like to call him “Stalker Girl’s Bitch” make up excuses as to why he needs to come into my house.
It sucks and I need to have an extra shot of rum in my mojito so I can bear sitting outdoors.
Heh. Your prediciment might actually be worse than mine.
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