Friday, August 26, 2005

Are You Feeling A Little Mixed-Up?

I was in the kitchen a couple of days ago trying to make some spinach soup. Trying being the operative word.

Apparently I don't even know how to work a blender. Apparently.

So I have my spinach all puréed in the blender. Then I pour some of the liquidy soupy part into the blender for further mixing with the puréed spinach. Then, I put the cover on. Oh yes, I did put it on. I'm not quite all that half-baked. Then I hit the power button. Then the pulse button. All the while holding the cover down firmly. Like the instructions say.

Can you see where this is going?

The cover flies off. Boiling hot soup everywhere. Spinach chunks everywhere. Everywhere. On the counters. On the walls. On the floor. In the cat food. On me.

Lesson learned? Indeed yes. The blender is only good for two things: Pina coladas and daiquiris.


New Homeowner said...

Blenders are also good for margaritas.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

Mmm. Pina coladas. Margaritas. Is it too early to have a tall, refreshing, slightly alcoholic beverage at 10 in the morning?

Going Somewhere said...

Rolling on floor laughing! Poor Spinach Soup.

Just Say No said...

Was the soupy stuff hot/warm? Blending hot/warm stuff causes it to expand even further I believe... but you know that now heh :)