Thursday, August 11, 2005

Let's Get, Let's get Rocked!

Okay, I still haven't written the afore-promised earth-shattering post because I just wasted all morning looking for the answers to the Def Leppard Guitar Contest. Fruitlessly, I might add.

You'd think you could find just about anything on the 'net but all I found was this. Which was highly amusing in itself. But I could just be an incompetent net-surfer. Or a really useless Def Leppard fan.

So if you want that post, people, cough up the answers. Especially if you want me to use the word colloquial.

I'll love you forever, by the way. Not enough, you say? I'll send you a bib that says: Spit Happens. What's that got to do with anything, you ask? Well nothing, but it's all I got.

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