Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No - It's Super Piercing!

My nose piercing continues to work its magic.

Ever since I had an extra hole put in my nose, no one has tried to piss me off. Usually - guaranteed - at least once a day, someone will tick me off, but good. Lately, nada. Not the bus driver. Not Financial Aid. Not even the Registrar's Office. Not even when I said I wanted to take courses outside my faculty but was too stupid to realize the deadline for switching faculties had passed. They just smiled, signed my sheet, and waved me off.

I went to cancel my gym membership and they canceled it with glee. With glee, I tell you! Glee! Last time I tried to do that (sans third nose hole) they gave me such a hard time that I thought it would be easier to just keep the membership and never use it. But this time, there was much laughing and giggling, and I even got a free magazine out of the whole deal.

At the library, the librarian chatted with me about one of the books I was taking out. These women never chat. They always have way more important things to do. Like wandering around aimlessly, "shelving" things. She also waived the new $1 per DVD charge. Which is excellent as I didn't have any actual money on me. And I saved myself two bucks. That could get me half a Beach Roll, people. It's no laughing matter.

I wonder what's up?


Winnipeg Damsel said...

That would be awesome! Go piercing!

New Homeowner said...

Perhaps you've entered bizarro winnipeg via the piercing palace?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, I know, I know.

*jumping up and down*

It's because this is


Check out the license
plates -

or is it now changed to


*sitting back down as I'm
really not sure, and it's
raining, and I'm not going
outside to check!

Good news on the mosquito
front. I only got bitten
3 times yesterday.

Anyway, it's Sunny and
Friendly, and trying
to lure you away *hand
on heart*
from our beloved Toronto.

Be very careful, Damsel -
these Winterpeggers work
their way into your heart.

And we all know
"Home is where the heart is".

Cathi the transplanted Torontoian too!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, I know, I know.

*jumping up and down*

It's because this is


Check out the license
plates -

or is it now changed to


*sitting back down as I'm
really not sure, and it's
raining, and I'm not going
outside to check!

Good news on the mosquito
front. I only got bitten
3 times yesterday.

Anyway, it's Sunny and
Friendly, and trying
to lure you away *hand
on heart*
from our beloved Toronto.

Be very careful, Damsel -
these Winterpeggers work
their way into your heart.

And we all know
"Home is where the heart is".

Cathi the transplanted Torontoian too!

Anonymous said...

Why this showed up twice
is beyond me - I hit
preview first.

Unedited and twice - must
be some sort of hidden meaning there, or just
the fact that Winnipeg
mosquitos can make dull
the sense and sensibility
right out of you.

Ooops, forgot you're going
to the Asbestos laden
University here!

Smiling backatya Damsel,
from somewhere just north of the big 'friendly dity.


Anonymous said...

dity - (didn't want to
take the chance of getting

and what do I get, but,

Friendly Manitoba


Winnipeg Damsel said...

That's exactly what I was thinking. Maybe I freak people out now. Maybe they think, "Whoa, better not piss off the punk-ass bitch!". Damn, who knew? I should have thought of this sooner!

You should totally do yours again - it reaps its own rewards :)