Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hello Kitty? I Rock the Hair Bow!

I did it. I bloody well did it! I finished a video game! A whole video game!

I am just so proud of myself. And I finished it in, like, three days. While it was rented.

I am totally awesome. Not only did I manage to finish a game for three years olds in like 4 times the time it would take a baby to finish it, but I saved myself forty bucks! Well, I saved citrusboy forty bucks anyway.

I will take congratulations and large sums of coins. Kitty coins, that is. Unless you have real money. In which case, bring it on!


New Homeowner said...

WOOO! Congrats. Now you just need to finish Paper Mario the 1000 year door...:)

New Homeowner said...

I have 6 crystal stars. I'm in the process of getting the last one. If I didn't have to work, I would be able ot make much more progress on it. I figure I'll be done the game by the end of the long weekend.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

I have one more to get. I plan on finishing before school starts up again. That's my goal. Don't laugh at me.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

I've seen Coffee and Cigarettes. My favourite was the Alfred Molina part. Heh.