Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Perogies, Yahoo?

I was browsing through my website referrals, when this search caught my eye. Apparently I talk about perogies so much that when you do a Yahoo search for Perogie Recipe Picture, The Winter of Our Discontent comes up. Granted, it's the 32nd entry out of a grand total of 64, but that's exactly half-way, right? That's good, right?

Bright lights, big city, here I come! Winnipeg Damsel will be famous! One day. Maybe. If she doesn't wake up.

So I'm a perogie whore with a complex. So sue me.

And anyway, just why is somebody trying to find me with
Perogie Recipe Picture?


Winnipeg Damsel said...

Yay! A woman after my own heart. Hee.

yellow rose of texas - yep she was a prossy said...

ah yes, but if you put in "perogie recipe picture winnipeg damsel" you're the one and only site that comes up.
I like to be as inanely specific as possible.