Friday, July 08, 2005

What Percent Chance of Precipitation?

Last night, Carsin O'Genic, citrusboy, and I decide to go out for drinks. We settle on G's Martini Bar, which has the best martinis I've ever tasted and the attached Meiji Sushi Restaurant, which has some excellent sushi. G's is one floor above Meiji, but if you go to either you can get the other's menu - I think that is such a fantastic concept! Of course, this is all quite expensive and all three of us are quite destitute, so it makes perfect sense for us to go there.

We order way too much to drink (I lie, no such thing with these martinis), and I'd say way too much to eat, but with sushi, there's just no such thing either. We had an awesome waitress, who told us about a mod club where they play '60s music on Thursday nights. That is so cool, it might just beat out '80s night (also on Thursdays) on my list. Must find some time to go there (oh where will I EVER find the time?!?).

I get happy drunk and we proceed to stumble out of G's. Right into the beginnings of a thunder storm. After I had checked not one, but two weather channels and both said: 0% POP. Zero Percent Chance Of Precipitation. After I had left my umbrella at home. I never leave my umbrella at home. I always take it for just such an emergency. ALWAYS. But not today. I guess that's not so much with the always, huh?

Citrusboy and I leave Carsin O'Genic to walk home while we catch a bus. Poor Carsin O'Genic. The bus stop is about 7 minutes from our house, so we have to walk. At this point it's raining like a pissed-off Zeus. And there's lightning. And thunder. And the lights go out on our street.

So we half-walk, half-run, laughing hysterically (still drunk, you see) the whole way home. We're soaked from top to bottom. Mascara streaming down my face. Citrusboy can't see anything through his glasses. I'm hoping my contacts don't slide right off my eyeballs with the rain. My brand-new sandals? Toast. Ironically enough, my butt is perfectly dry. How is that possible? We get home, and of course the first thing we need to do is, not get dry or changed, but give the Cats Without Shame a good, wet hug. I'm sure they love us all the more for it.

And by the way, the Red River is so going to flood. Don't think it won't, people.

Oh, and the grossest part? I got up this morning to wash my face 'cause I was too lazy to do it last night. And the cotton ball turned brown. What the hell is in the rain in Winnipeg? Tar? That grossed me out for the rest of the morning. In fact, I'm still grossed out.

Moral of the story: Well, it's either
  1. Always bring an umbrella with you when you go out even if it's sunny with not a cloud in the sky and every meteorologist you know says there's no way it's going to rain or
  2. Never let Winnipeg rain touch your skin. Which I guess brings us back to point one. So always bring an umbrella. Always. Unless you like the brown cotton ball sort of thing.


New Homeowner said...

You didn't wash your face before going to bed! I am shocked and appaled.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

Heh. I know. Gross. I got what I deserved. But in my defense, all the makeup I had on was mascara and I wiped that off. Still gross, huh?

Going Somewhere said...

Winnipeg rain sounds worse than Dominican rain, which I didn't think was possible.