In order to soothe the savage breast stemming from this past weekend, I've embarked on a new cross-stitch design. It's called Midnight Meow - sounds like they know Fatty. Actually, the one on the left looks like Fatty. And the red bow? Looks like Cow Kitty. Hey now! Did someone sneak in here when I wasn't looking?

I'm notorious for starting these cross-stitch projects with an eagerness only paralleled by little kids mowing down on their first ice cream cone of the summer but then fizzling out in a burst of disinterest, so hopefully I'll manage to finish this one in this lifetime.
I'm so slow at it that I eventually lose interest. I think I've finished a whopping total of 3 projects after cross-stitching for about 10 years. Even with all that stitching I did on buses and subways. How sad is that?
Forgive me if it's the late hour causing me slight comprehension difficulties, but at the start of this post, do you mean to say "savage beast?" 'Cuz if you do, then you might want to check that. If not, then please ignore.
It's actually:
Music has charms to soothe a savage breast,
To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.
-William Congreve
Not sure how it got turned into "savage beast", but there it is.
My bad....thought it was a typo.
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