Friday, July 29, 2005

Bachelor of Random Shit (BRS)

As some of you know, I'm registered in the Faculty of Science at my University. I am also in the process of taking certain courses to satisfy the prerequisites needed for the professional programs I'm applying to. I have also decided, in case the professional programs take one look at my application and laugh their asses off, that I would take some Nutrition courses so I could at least graduate as a Registered Dietician if said laughing occurred. Turns out, ironically, that Science students are barred from taking any Nutrition courses because the Science faculty doesn't allow it.


So now, if I don't happen to be one of the lucky 277 people who just happen to be vying for the same 23 spots, I will have no degree. Nothing. Because those prerequisites for professional science careers have nothing in common with the allowed Bachelor of Science programs.

Bachelor of Random Shit here I come.

I hate this province.

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