Thursday, November 17, 2005

Heal Me, Oh Great Masseuse!

When I first went for massage therapy, hoping to cure my lovely, lovely back pain, the RMT didn't do a particularly good job. In fact, I think she made it worse: it hurt like a bitch for almost a week. Which, I'm told, is not supposed to happen. And she never told me to come back. So what? She thought she cured me in one go? Not bloody likely.
So after a couple of months, I thought I'd try it again and went back. To someone else, mind you. And she was all: Oh, this? I can fix this!
Seriously? You can fix this? Because if you can, I will give you my first born. And my second born. And anything born after that. Then again, that might not effectively display my deep and eternal gratitude for the fix-up, as I hate children. If you can fix this, I will give you my chocolate danish. Yes, I will. My chocolate danish. Now there's some gratitude!
So two massages later, and it's definitely feeling less numb.
Wow, Winnipeg houses a miracle worker. Maybe this city is good for something.


Mike said...

You have to be careful about who and what type of massage you get. I always ask them 20 questions and describe why I am there. It is snowing here as well, nothing like that, but cold as hell.

Going Somewhere said...

Have you ever considered going to a chiropractor? I was totally freaked out to go to one, but I have started, and let me tell you the relief!!! I am no longer popping Advil 3-4 times a week for my dull, ever-present headache. And my lower back pain is gone too.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

See, I'm scared to see one - afraid that I'll never be able to stop going. So if she says she can fix it, I'm going with it for now.