Friday, November 18, 2005

Broke-down Gal

So we go to a bar on Wednesday night for some cheap beer and cheap wings, 'cause, well, we're cheap. I forget my driver's license at home, because, well, I don't drive anymore and it's well past its expiry date anyway.

And wouldn't you know it, they happen to be carding at said club. So citrusboy pulls out his license and the big-bad-bouncer-guy checks it. I'm all: Hee, hee, I forgot mine. Hee. Big-bad-bouncer-guy takes one look at me and says: That's okay, go right in. Not quite what you were thinking, huh? Not quite what I was expecting either. So fine, we go in and have a dandy time. But not the end of my story, my friends. No, indeed.

The next day I'm talking to a friend and I tell her where we went for wings. I add that I didn't have any ID and he still let me in. She's all: NO WAY. They never do that. They never ever ever ever EVER let anyone in without ID. Uh, okay, I think.

So I'm an old hag apparently who couldn't possibly pass for 17 if her life depended on it. I must look 90 years old for him to be so sure about not getting busted for under-age drinking.

Wonderful. Winnipeg has turned me into some crazy broken-down, decrepit, fossil. I wonder when the mummifying begins?

1 comment:

Mike said...

I still love ya, old hag or not!