Friday, November 25, 2005

That's the Sound of My Head Hitting the Floor

So I was up all night (until 4:30 am to be exact) trying to finish a nutrition assignment that I needed to hand in the next day. Or make that this day. Today. And I needed to get up by 6 am in order to make the bus on time to hand the damn thing in. So that's 1.5 hours of sleep I just got.
Maybe I can squeeze some pity sushi out of citrusboy later today.
Even though it's my own damn fault. Because, after having over a month to work on it, I barely did anything. Because I went out to see a movie and out to dinner the day before it was due. And stayed out until 8. Because I'm a procrastinating little twit and everybody knows it. Except, hopefully, the nutrition professor.
Either way, anyone wanna send over some pity sushi if only because they feel I'm going to need it when I realize the world doesn't hire procrastinating dieticians?


New Homeowner said...

Is it bad that I find that hilarious?

Winnipeg Damsel said...

Yeah, you and everybody else...