Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Was it a Cello? Maybe a Violin? How about a Timpani?

Citrusboy teaches guitar at a music school here in this lovely city, so on Sunday we went to a Christmas Dinner hosted by the school.

Now, imagine an entire restaurant/comedy club that has been shut down just for you, filled with people saying things like: "You know, a drum room is just so different from a guitar room" and "Drums get really loud, don't they?" and "When you tune your guitar, how tight is your G-string?" Seriously. How. Tight. Is. Your. G-string. I'll just let that sink in for a couple of minutes.

Yes folks, that was my night. Even the comedian wanted to hang himself. Every time he swore, he got the 'ole stink eye and the audience let out a bunch of "ooooooooooooohs". Goddamn people, we're not in church! So, so weird.

This place (and by this place, I mean Winnipeg) just gets stranger by the minute.

Not to mention being stuck in a room with an abominable amount of G-strings.

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