Friday, December 30, 2005

The Great Exploding Chapstick Debacle - Part Deux

So New Homeowner was in town and she happened upon the most excellent idea (cannot believe I didn't think of it myself...) ever for the fixing of THE GREAT EXPLODING CHAPSTICK DEBACLE.

Shoppers Drug Mart would get theirs, dammit!

NH suggested that I buy another Bonne Bell chapstick (same as the exploded one), get a receipt for it, and then RETURN THE EXPLODED ONE on the new receipt.

Pure genius I tell you.

So NH and I go to the brand-spanking new Shoppers and buy one Raspberry Vita Gloss tube. Get a receipt for it. The plan is working, mwahahhaha.

Then we go to another Shoppers and mozy up to the cosmetics counter.

Me: Here, take your crap and there's my receipt.
CC: Okay no problem. Oh, you got this at the brand-spanking new Shoppers? Damn that store! We're always having to take their shitty returns!!

Me to myself: Uh, okay. I'm pretty sure I originally bought it here, but okay, whatever you say.

CC: Would you like another one?
Me: No thanks. Just give me my money back, please.

And that is how I got my $5 back for The Great Exploding Chapstick.

Genius, I tell you!