Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas Top Five

As we're also planning on putting up the (miniscule) Christmas Tree tomorrow, I thought I would join in on New Homeowner's Top 5 List.

Top 5 Christmas Songs

5. So This is Christmas by John Lennon - Always makes a tear well up. Not a happy song, but what can I say?

4. Do They Know It's Christmas? by BandAid - The 80s original since I'm an old geezer.

3. Feliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano - I know, it's stupid so don't laugh, but I just love this song (except when Celine Dion is singing it).

2. All I Want for Christmas is You - The one off the Love Actually soundtrack by Olivia Olson works for me.

1. Last Christmas by Wham - LOVE IT!!!! I don't think it gets any better than this. Truly.

Hmm, really this is a list of pretty depressing songs. What does that mean?

Top 5 Christmas Movies

5. Sleepless In Seattle - I'm putting this one in 'cause it all starts on Christmas Eve - that counts, right?

4. Love Actually - So great. So sweet. So cozy.

3. A Charlie Brown Christmas - The original 1965 one, of course.

2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! - Definitely the 1966 cartoon version.

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - Love this movie even when it's not Christmas. It's just...the best. Must watch it every year.


New Homeowner said...

As I said on Running Man's Blog - I now realize that limiting to 5? May have been too short a list.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

Yeah, I was totally thinking that. I was going to do ties, but then thought that might have been cheating....

I thought maybe you were channeling High Fidelity!

New Homeowner said...

I was channelling High Fidelity. If Nirck Hornby writes it, or John Cusack says it, I just can't help myself.