Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Oh bus, why do you forsake me?

Before I get into all the Christmas joy that has occurred, I'd like to tell you a little story about what happens when I ride the bus (without my sister).

So after my last exam I get to the stop where my bus, well, stops. The only bus that stops at that particular stop. The. Only. One. Got that?

As I'm on the phone with New Homeowner ('cause she's visiting - squee), I don't really bother looking at the bus number, and really? Why would I anyway? I usually don't.

So I climb aboard and have myself a seat. The bus leaves. And goes up and behind the university - in the exact opposite direction that I want to go. Before I realize this (because the new iMoo is so fascinating) I have gone far enough that I no longer have the slightest clue as to where I am and it's now too far to walk back.

I scramble off the bus and stand at some god forsaken bus stop in the middle of god knows where - and call New Homeowner: Heeeelp meeeeeeee! I don't know where I am. I'm at the corner of Lost in Winnipeg and You'll Never Find Your Way Back Mwhahaha. Heeeelp Meeeee!

After all, she is the one with the map. (See, me not so stupid after all... maybe.)

We decide that I should take the next bus back (that's in half an hour, folks) to the university and she'll pick me up there.

So I'm waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And, just to break up the monotony, a car packed with guys decides to try and get my attention. Lord. Dudes, I think I just might be old enough to be your mother. True, I 'd have to have been fairly young when knocked up, but dudes, get a grip.

Maybe I should have asked them for a ride? The good ideas always occur later. Sigh.

Finally get to the University (without incident, I feel compelled to add) and New Homeowner is there to pick me up.

And so ends another scintillating adventure in Crazy Town.

Next: The conclusion of The Great Exploding Chapstick Debacle as per popular request. Actually, one person only but who am I to argue with the fan(s).

1 comment:

Going Somewhere said...

I don't know who the one person is, but I feel compelled to add that I want to know what happened to the exploding chapstick.