Remind me to never leave the house. Ever. Again. At least for the duration of my stay in Winnipeg.
Citrusboy and I are at home, flipping through the fliers that get left on our door twice a week, when we notice that Tide is on sale. Awesome, since we are running out of Tide and I need to get some washing done before the Dynamic Duo flies in. So out we go, on an excursion to Zellers. On a Sunday. On a bus. In Winnipeg. Let's just say it doesn't run all that often. We get there and the Tide's not on sale. Neither is the shampoo I had my eye on. We go and check the flier out. Turns out we were looking at the flier that ENDED June 10th, not the one that STARTED June 11th. Bah humbug, I say. How does it happen that a week old flier gets into the bag of new fliers which is then handed to Winnipeg Damsel? I'll tell you how. Winnipeg has it in for me, that's how.
But all is not lost. I did find a cool shower curtain. The Cats Without Shame decided to destroy the one we have now, so before The Crazies fly in and start screaming about the state of my shower curtain and how they absolutely cannot take a bath behind that, I decided I had better buy a new one.

You can see Cat Without Shame #1, Cow Kitty, contemplating another go at it before it gets taken down. The arrows point to all the wonderful damage that was caused by those two devil-cats.
I give the new one a couple of months, tops. But I bet The Crazies will complain about how they can't shower behind a partially see-through curtain, even though they'll be alone in the bathroom (separately, not together). With the door locked.

In order to save face, we decided to walk to Wal-Mart to see what we could find there. Of course, I find the shower curtain I just bought for less. Citrusboy muttered something about contibuting to the Canadian economy. I think I'll just go with that.
Citrusboy and I are at home, flipping through the fliers that get left on our door twice a week, when we notice that Tide is on sale. Awesome, since we are running out of Tide and I need to get some washing done before the Dynamic Duo flies in. So out we go, on an excursion to Zellers. On a Sunday. On a bus. In Winnipeg. Let's just say it doesn't run all that often. We get there and the Tide's not on sale. Neither is the shampoo I had my eye on. We go and check the flier out. Turns out we were looking at the flier that ENDED June 10th, not the one that STARTED June 11th. Bah humbug, I say. How does it happen that a week old flier gets into the bag of new fliers which is then handed to Winnipeg Damsel? I'll tell you how. Winnipeg has it in for me, that's how.
But all is not lost. I did find a cool shower curtain. The Cats Without Shame decided to destroy the one we have now, so before The Crazies fly in and start screaming about the state of my shower curtain and how they absolutely cannot take a bath behind that, I decided I had better buy a new one.

You can see Cat Without Shame #1, Cow Kitty, contemplating another go at it before it gets taken down. The arrows point to all the wonderful damage that was caused by those two devil-cats.
I give the new one a couple of months, tops. But I bet The Crazies will complain about how they can't shower behind a partially see-through curtain, even though they'll be alone in the bathroom (separately, not together). With the door locked.

In order to save face, we decided to walk to Wal-Mart to see what we could find there. Of course, I find the shower curtain I just bought for less. Citrusboy muttered something about contibuting to the Canadian economy. I think I'll just go with that.
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