Happy Anniversary to Us!
Happy Anniversary to Us!The Dynamic Duo is here to help us celebrate: how romantic.

Today wasn't as painful as the last two days. We were going out to dinner in the evening, so the morning and afternoon were spent gossiping. I learned some "interesting" things about my extended family, courtesy of Bat-Shit Aunty M, that my mother never deigned to tell me. I won't air dirty laundry here, but suffice it to say that it was quite scandalous. I'll never look at those people quite the same way again!
For our romantic surviving-the-first-year-of-marriage celebration, I made a reservation at the Royal Crown Restaurant for 7:00 PM. The Royal Crown is much like the 360 Restaurant in the CN Tower, in that it revolves around so that you can get a look at the city. However, the Royal Crown is on the 30th floor while the 360 is on the 90th. Not quite the same, but I had high hopes anyway. Will I never learn?
We get showered, made-up, dressed-up, and all-around put together, and I'm idiotically beginning to think "this day could actually go well" when all of a sudden I get flogged for not having a plain black purse. Just ugly purses. What the...? The Purse Whore (that's me!) is so offended she's veritably speechless. Ugly? My purses are not ugly! They are different, they are unique, they are individuals who stand on their own in this copy-cat world, but ugly they are not! What can I say? I left most of my purses behind and a black one just didn't make it into the Winnipeg Purse Pile (although I did notice that my Mother the Purloiner had my plain black Guess purse with her). But the Sandal Whore manages not to snap since she has shiny new sandals to wear.
We call a cab and the driver is the nicest cab driver ever! He even gives us his own cell phone number so we can call him when we need a cab on the way back home. I know he's just trying to make a buck, but I still thought that was awesome.
We get there and up to the 30th floor of the building we go. Definitely not as fun as the 360. Or as nice. Oh well, it is Winnipeg. The maitre d' seats us and the waiter introduces himself. I find him slightly rude. And if I, the easy-going chick that I am, find him rude, the Dynamic Duo are going to have a field day with him. And they do. Right down to the fly that drowned in Aunty M's wine. How does a fly get up that high, anyway? I'm slightly mortified, but as they don't have the smoked salmon that I specifically came for, I get over it quickly. Especially after the waiter really tries to push me into ordering something else. I don't want something else, I want the smoked salmon. If you don't have it, I don't feel like I should be made to order something else instead. We've already ordered three appetizers as it is. I was not impressed, and the displeasure of the Dynamic Duo was making me even crazier.
The only really impressive thing was the view. It was striking to see the city from such an angle - it looked decidedly nice! Although I still think downtown is rather boring looking:

Notice the over-abundance of skyscrapers? (Just in case you're not sure, that's sarcasm.)
But The Forks, where the Red River meets the Assiniboine River is, I must admit, beautiful.

And the Provencher Bridge, leading to the other side of the River where the French Quarter is, is also charming, in a this-is-Winnipeg-that's-all-you're-getting kind of way.

Dinner eventually came to an end, none too soon for me. The food was okay, but I don't think I would ever go back. Maybe to the lounge to see if I could get me some smoked salmon.
The Dynamic Duo succeeded in making me insane. I thought they were pretty rude themselves, nevermind the waiter, talking in Polish the whole time when they know citrusboy doesn't speak a word of it. Then getting mad at me when I spoke English. I know their excuse would be: we're old ladies! What do you want from us?!? We can do whatever we want! Yeah, they're real old. They haven't even hit 60 yet and they already think that the world owes them something. Somebody grant me some patience!
Great first anniversary. I hope it's not a harbinger of things to come.
We call a cab and the driver is the nicest cab driver ever! He even gives us his own cell phone number so we can call him when we need a cab on the way back home. I know he's just trying to make a buck, but I still thought that was awesome.
We get there and up to the 30th floor of the building we go. Definitely not as fun as the 360. Or as nice. Oh well, it is Winnipeg. The maitre d' seats us and the waiter introduces himself. I find him slightly rude. And if I, the easy-going chick that I am, find him rude, the Dynamic Duo are going to have a field day with him. And they do. Right down to the fly that drowned in Aunty M's wine. How does a fly get up that high, anyway? I'm slightly mortified, but as they don't have the smoked salmon that I specifically came for, I get over it quickly. Especially after the waiter really tries to push me into ordering something else. I don't want something else, I want the smoked salmon. If you don't have it, I don't feel like I should be made to order something else instead. We've already ordered three appetizers as it is. I was not impressed, and the displeasure of the Dynamic Duo was making me even crazier.
The only really impressive thing was the view. It was striking to see the city from such an angle - it looked decidedly nice! Although I still think downtown is rather boring looking:

Notice the over-abundance of skyscrapers? (Just in case you're not sure, that's sarcasm.)
But The Forks, where the Red River meets the Assiniboine River is, I must admit, beautiful.

And the Provencher Bridge, leading to the other side of the River where the French Quarter is, is also charming, in a this-is-Winnipeg-that's-all-you're-getting kind of way.

Dinner eventually came to an end, none too soon for me. The food was okay, but I don't think I would ever go back. Maybe to the lounge to see if I could get me some smoked salmon.
The Dynamic Duo succeeded in making me insane. I thought they were pretty rude themselves, nevermind the waiter, talking in Polish the whole time when they know citrusboy doesn't speak a word of it. Then getting mad at me when I spoke English. I know their excuse would be: we're old ladies! What do you want from us?!? We can do whatever we want! Yeah, they're real old. They haven't even hit 60 yet and they already think that the world owes them something. Somebody grant me some patience!
Great first anniversary. I hope it's not a harbinger of things to come.
u should go westin hotel in atlanta
thats a good view
I hear you on the cab driver thing. That is the way things are run down here...nice and personal. It really is quite a pleasant change from TO.
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