So Carsin O' Genic came over Saturday night, armed with the plan to make marshmallows from scratch.
Having taken refuge in the office (Veronica Mars being more sane than those two), I heard a scream emanating from the other room.
Oh My God. What have they done? To my kitchen?
I do believe Carcin O' Genic has had better ideas.
Having taken refuge in the office (Veronica Mars being more sane than those two), I heard a scream emanating from the other room.
Oh My God. What have they done? To my kitchen?

Um. so... I'm guessing the marshmallows DIDN'T work out.
Weeeeeell... I guess in the end, they kinda did? It certainly tastes like marshmallow. But a fan of marshmallows, I am not.
I didn't actually know you could make marshmallows from scratch. I don't know why, but the thought never occured to me before.
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