Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Night of Debauchery - Winnipeg Style!

So Carsin O' Genic came over Saturday night, armed with the plan to make marshmallows from scratch.

Having taken refuge in the office (Veronica Mars being more sane than those two), I heard a scream emanating from the other room.

Oh My God. What have they done? To my kitchen?
I do believe Carcin O' Genic has had better ideas.



New Homeowner said...

Um. so... I'm guessing the marshmallows DIDN'T work out.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

Weeeeeell... I guess in the end, they kinda did? It certainly tastes like marshmallow. But a fan of marshmallows, I am not.

Going Somewhere said...

I didn't actually know you could make marshmallows from scratch. I don't know why, but the thought never occured to me before.