Monday, January 30, 2006

4 Things.....

Stole this from Travel Bug Chronicles, who found this on Mez's blog.

As it really helps me out with not having to write an actual post, here are my 4 things:

4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life (in Chronological Order):

4. Medical Secretary at a Walk-in Clinic
3. Sales associate in the crappiest retail store EVER
2. Research Assistant for Product Development for the Military
1. Pharmacy Assistant

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:

4. Dirty Dancing
3. Breakfast Club
2. Grease
1. Bridget Jones

4 Places You Have Lived:

4. Krakow, Poland
3. Vienna, Austria
2. Toronto, Canada
1. Winnipeg, Canada. Uh huh.

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch:

4. Corner Gas
3. Lost
2. Veronica Mars
1. Gilmore Girls

4 Places You Have Been on Vacation:

4. Florida
3. Dominican Republic
2. Cuba
1. New York

4 Websites You Visit Daily:

1. university website

4 of Your Favourite Foods:

4. Wings with Thai Chili sauce
3. Pad Thai
2. Pierogies
1. Sushi

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now:

4. on a beach in a warm country, like the Dominican Republic
3. touring Europe on a dime
2. in Yorkdale. *sob* Oh my god, sooooooooob...
1. home in Toronto for a visit, or better yet, a permanent stay

4 Bloggers You Are Tagging:

4. New Homeowner
3. Rinny
2. Better Safe Than Sorry
1. And the person who didn't bother reading this except for this last line

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