Picture it: Sicily 19-
No, no, just kidding.
Seriously though, picture this: leaves still on the trees, some green, some orange; grass still valiantly green; bushes and shrubs still fluffy and full; random flowers bravely holding up their heads.
Then, picture it all covered by a
BLIZZARD. In early October.

Oy, woe is me.
Man that sucks. It has been raining and cold over here in Padova, but not that bad!!! Except for that our heating is not on yet...
I think tat the only solution is for you to move back to Toronto.
I concur.
OMG. It is too early for this crap! We suggest a hot totty might do the trick! We love you and your blog!
you left TO? are you crazy? I'm trying to move there!!
The snow....it's too early!
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