Friday, May 19, 2006

The Wonderful World of Toronto Broke-ness. I Mean Shopping.

So now that I've gotten my bitching out of the way, let me tell you about the rest of my trip: it was pure bliss when my mother wasn't around.

We somehow ended up at the Pearl Jam concert at the Air Canada Centre. I've never been to a PJ concert before. Let me tell you, it was awesome. They played Black so I was as happy as a girl back in Toronto from toiling away in the 'Peg can be (ie: as happy as a pig in shit). I was amused to see Eddie Vedder still totin' his bottle o' wine around. I was also amused to find that I was high by the end of the first song. And not because I was smoking the wacky-tobacky myself.

We also did a lot of shopping. Okay, okay, fine. I did a lot of shopping. But mostly for things that don't dare set up shop in Winnipeg for fear they'd go under in two seconds flat. Starting with my beloved Sephora, of course. Oh Philosophy, how do I love thee. Let me count the ways. Cinnabuns. Melon Daquari (that one's for citrusboy, so don't even look at me). Lavender Poundcake - it was love at first sniff. Unfortunately, Coconut Cream Pie was not to be had.

Then, off to L'Occitane where I finally, finally got my Lavender Face Cleanser and Lotion. And as a neat surprise, I noticed they had a new line. Which, of course, smelled fantabulous. Citrusboy LOVED it, so I got me some almond dry oil too! Score!

We also hit Banana Republic where citrusboy got some jeans and shirts and Lululemon, where, sadly, I could not decide what to get, so I got nothing. My rationale: There is actually a Lululemon in the 'Peg, so if desperate, I can go there.

Also went to my precious Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma, but wouldn't you know it? They had nothing I wanted. Weird. Empty handed from PB? What a travesty!

Spent a crap-load of time with friends, but that's another post. Complete with pictures.

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