Sunday, February 12, 2006

Rice Whosit?

Remember the marshmallow incident?

We ended up with this huge slab of marshmallow sitting in our fridge, when citrusboy got the bright (and when I say bright, I don't mean it laced with sarcasm) idea to make rice crispy squares.

So off he went with a pot, some butter, some Snap, Crackle, and Pop, and the marshmallow du slab.

And let me tell you: most awesome rice crispy squares (er, rice crispy slab) EVER. E-V-E-R. So, so good.
I think it was the homemade marshmallow that did the trick, so maybe, just maybe Carcin O'Genic is a genius in disguise.

1 comment:

Just Say No said...

The BEST rice crispy squares ever are ones with Reese Pieces mixed into them (the candy kind, not the cup kind).