Well, I'm proud to say I put my reading week to good use!
No, not reading.

Actually finished two - TWO - gamecube games: Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion. That brings my total up to three games ever finished! In like 5 years. Whatevs! I did it, teehee!
Also spent some time drooling over the Wii. I totally kicked citrusboy's ass is a racing game. Obviously this is the console for me. Submit all donations to the cause at winnipeg_damsel@hotmail.com.
No, not reading.

Actually finished two - TWO - gamecube games: Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion. That brings my total up to three games ever finished! In like 5 years. Whatevs! I did it, teehee!
Also spent some time drooling over the Wii. I totally kicked citrusboy's ass is a racing game. Obviously this is the console for me. Submit all donations to the cause at winnipeg_damsel@hotmail.com.
OOOO, I love paper mario. I've finished it a few times now. I couldn't get into Luigi's mansion though, it bugged me.
I looooooooooooved LM. So fun!
Great that you got your Wii! YEA! Do you have a good story to tell as to how you were able to get one, or are Wiis coming in-stock in Winnipeg stores? Did you guys end up getting the PS3 too? We're still looking for a Wii only @retail cost around here, but not finding any or not really trying hard enough to get one, so we'll probably wait till the rush dies down around here to buy ours. Anyways, fun you! - keep kicking that C-boy's ass! :)
I have a Wii and it is so utterly completely worth it. I may be understating things.
I'm the (dorky) kind of person who unconsciously moves as I play,... this works in my favor with Wii playing. Which is kinda funny, cause now I kick the asses of those who used to laugh at me for it!
I still have to finish playing Luigi's Mansion,... *sigh*
Heather, this is EXACTLY why I love the Wii!!! People will no longer laugh, will they, heh heh heh.
I haven't gotten the Wii yet but a lot of stores will tell you when their next shipment is and you can just come back then... we almost got one at eb games, but I want a deal. I'm a deal whore!!!
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