Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I've just come to the realization that I'm a game board whore. Seriously.

If the game is on sale I will probably buy it.
I stalk the aisles of all stores looking for board games.
If I see a game on sale in a store flyer, I will probably go out the next day to buy it.

Mind you, these games have to be ones I want; not just any random game will do.

The game that started this mess of thought was Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture. See, I was at Zellers and saw that it was 40% off so I had to have it. Except, when I scanned the bar code, it was regular price. Turns out that was last week's sale and I MISSED IT. Bleh. How? How could this have happened? With all my diligent scouring! So I didn't buy it. And now, I REALLY REALLY want it.

I've lost all self-control. I'm a board game buying addict. I have a problem. I need BGBA. Is there such a thing? Well, there should be!

So far I've accumulated:


*Powerpuff Girls

Trivial Pursuit: I loooooooooooooooooove TP. Hee.
*Totally 80s
*90s Edition
*Genus 5
*Volume 6
*Baby Boomers
*Millennium Edition

Clue: I love love love Clue. Except no one will ever play with me. I wonder why that is?

The All Canadian Trivia Board Game Millennium Edition: got this for $1. It's hard. It's very hard. All I know is the Red River (which is the answer to about a quarter of the questions). And only because I now reside in the 'Peg.

Cheap-Ass Games: These are awesome fun. And cheap.
*Before I Kill You, Mr Bond
*Unexploded Cow
*Kill Dr Lucky

Mahjongg: And I'm not talking about the cheesy solitaire game either. I love this game. I know, I've said that like 900 times already, but I do. I love this game.

Uno: Not technically a board game, but I'll include it anyway to help exacerbate my insanity.
*Care Bears
*Harry Potter

The Newlywed Game: I love this show. The game is just okay.

The Game of Life:


Can You Beat Ken Jennings?


Wheel of Fortune


An Evening of Murder Party Game

Still looking for:
Trivial Pursuit DVD Pop Culture
Trivial Pursuit Book Lovers Edition
Witch Trial
Give Me the Brain
Cube Farm
Devil Bunny Needs a Ham
Get Out
Electronic Battleship
Magnetic Hangman
The 80s Game
The 90s Game
Word Sweep

So if anyone feels the need to buy me a Christmas gift, please, go right ahead.
Don't celebrate Christmas? I will accept a "You're the Best Blogger in the World" gift. No, really, I will.

I have no shame.


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I just about had a stroke reading this!! Lol.
That explains why you and Frenchie are so durned smart! It's TRIVIA!! I must take note.

Clara said...

I totally recommend Irwin's Globetrotters, made in 1984. 7.5 out of 10 stars! Great for 2 people, better for 3-4. My bro and I grew up on it. You can only get it on ebay now, but there's usually one or two sellers out there auctioning it. It's the only board game I picked up while out here out of pure nostalgia. A few politically and geographically outdated things for sure, but you'll enjoy that about the game too as you play through.

Mike said...

Game Board Whore huh? LOL

New Homeowner said...

How to Explode a cow? I must learn more about this game.

Anonymous said...

OMG Globetrotters. I have that game too! I don't remember how to play it though, because I don't think we ever played it in the 'correct' way.


Settlers of Catan!!!

Diplomacy!!!! It's like Risk, but with no dice-rolling and you can't build ridiculously large armies so you *have* to make allies. But only one can win so eventually you *have* to stab people in the back. And that's always fun. :D

Anonymous said...

I'm going to fill you in on a little bit of Winnipeg Retail Information. If the sale sign is still up after the sale is over, the store has an obligation to honor the sale price. All you have to do is inform an employee of the error. It is preferable that you don't harass the cashier but a floor associate as delayed line ups at the register annoy everyone involved. You could even pull the sale price off the shelf and take it up front with you as evidence.

Winnipeg Damsel said...

The only problem is that the date of the sale was on the sign in tiny letters. Not much you can do about it at that point.

Anonymous said...

And you guys NEVER bring any over!!! YOu have like thousands!!!! hahaha...I really do think you should try crainum as times ever with that one! Maybe secret santa will find a cheap board game for ya! pick the right one!


Winnipeg Damsel said...

Hee, we kinda abducted Jen's Cranium. Not that the two of us can play it anyway...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I totally forgot its still at your place! LOL.

Clara said...

Hey g-b whore! :) Hope to see you posting again soon. I assume you're neck deep in finals now, so good luck on your exams!

BTW, notice you mentioned watching "An Inconvenient Truth" - did you enjoy that? I'm planning to gift that around this xmas, but haven't seen it yet and want to be sure.


Winnipeg Damsel said...

It's a good movie! Gift away!